
We've got a full release schedule for 2025! Check out what books you can buy now, or mark your calendar for one coming up!

Mythic Romance

 This title is rated 17+, appropriate for teens, and contains moderate language, graphic violence, intense implied sex, negative moderate fantasy drug use, negative mild illicit drug use, and moderate alcohol use.

What would you do if you could live forever? Could you hide it from the one you truly loved, especially if her life depended on it?

Thanks to his dysfunctional Olympian family, Archer Ambrose finds out firsthand how difficult this can be. He never falls in love but bestows it on others—until he meets Callie.

When Callie Syches moves to the Upper East Side to prepare for her father’s impending death, she doesn’t expect to meet the boy of her dreams. She also never believed her father’s harebrained theory about myths, but her uncanny ability to “see” uncovers godly secrets Callie can hardly fathom.

With an immortal family demanding absolute obedience, how far will Archer go to protect his love from the storm the gods will unleash upon them?

In this reinvention of Cupid and Psyche, experience an electrifying series where familial and romantic bonds are at war, and knowledge could mean the end of everything…or a new beginning.

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults, and contains intense implied sex, graphic violence, strong language, moderate alcohol use, moderate fantasy drug use, depression and suicide, and domestic violence.

I could not let go, let alone believe Archer was truly gone. There was something utterly wrong with the statement “Archer Ambrose is dead.”

To say it was a bad “breakup” would be an understatement. Callie is told Archer is dead, but if the god of love were dead, surely she’d stop loving him? Lucien and Aroha try to help Callie grieve and move on—only Lucien finds it difficult to not love her, which is complicated by Callie’s sudden illness, evolving powers, and his obsession with exposing truth.

Despite Archer’s orders to never see her again and his warmonger father’s ever-watchful gaze, Archer can’t resist the dangerous urge to plot ways back to Callie. Chase must find a way to save his son, even if it means calling upon the recently suppressed war-god within.

With the immortal world fractured, can Love find a way to piece his heart–and world–back together? Or will it forever be divided?

In this reinvention of Cupid and Psyche, experience an electrifying series where familial and romantic bonds are at war, and knowledge could mean the end of everything…or a new beginning.

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults, and contains: frequent implied sex, graphic violence, strong language, and death of a parent.

How had I let myself, god of love, fall so hard for another being? I knew the power of love, its consequences, and now I was my own victim.

After a painful separation, Callie and Archer deserve a relaxing reunion. Instead, they’re on the run from Zeus, forced into hiding with their extended family, and dealing with a slew of problems. As if Lucien’s recent prophecy of doom and betrayal isn’t puzzling enough, Callie’s illness comes with even more unbelievable powers.

Hindered by her traumatic past, Athena goes on a self-appointed quest for the one god who can save them. From the warm waters of the Caribbean to the cold mountain peaks of Iceland, the gods uncover shuddering truths they can hardly bear. Can they meet their fate head-on, knowing lives could be lost?

In this reinvention of Cupid and Psyche, experience an electrifying series where familial and romantic bonds are at war, and knowledge could mean the end of everything…or a new beginning.

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults, and contains graphic violence, strong language, frequent brief implied sex, and mild alcohol use.

It is impossible to describe the love we have for one of the most important people in our lives and give it justice. If I could have him back, I’d endure anything it would take.

Momentarily free from Zeus, the gods deal with their monumental loss. Lies and secrets threaten to upend Callie and Archer’s mission to the Underworld and destroy their relationship. In this final installment of The Immortal Transcripts, old and new friends and flames come together in preparation for the anticipated final stand.

Someday, somehow Zeus is coming back for them. With only a glimmer of hope and a death-defying plan, can they reverse the damage already done and win their freedom from the tyrannical god of gods?

Happily ever after always comes with a price. Who will pay?

In this reinvention of Cupid and Psyche, experience an electrifying series where familial and romantic bonds are at war, and knowledge could mean the end of everything…or a new beginning.

Dark Fantasy

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults and contains moderate implied sex, strong language, intense violence, and mild alcohol use.

The notorious Juniper Thimble is destined for execution. Caught stealing the king’s crown—in addition to her long list of crimes—she has only one way out. Juniper must survive the biggest, most deadly con of her life, commissioned by the king himself. Disguised as the crown prince’s lover, she is forced to protect him with her life…literally. Guarded by a surly squire, relentlessly attacked by demons, and surrounded by mysteriously disappearing servants, Juniper must dispatch the threat to the prince’s life before they find out who she really is. 

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults, and contains brief sex, graphic violence, strong language, mild alcohol use, mild fantasy drug use, child slavery, and suicidal ideation.

The unbeatable Juniper Thimble has been broken. Outed as a mage, she has lost the love of her squire and gained a king’s ransom on her head. Meanwhile, Ison is tormented by memories of what the demon-summoning apostate made him do. To stop such a powerful evil, they must survive suspicious knights, old masters, and an underground cult. But can the assassin embrace her magic or the mage overcome the blood on his hands?

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults, and contains moderate sex, strong language, intense violence, and attempted rape.

After faking her death at the hands of the Watch and escaping Rusdasin, Juniper and Ison are determined to make their way north to face an ancient evil. And the friends they left in the Undercity must scramble to escape the impending raid of their home.

Meanwhile, Squire Reid is beginning a northward quest of his own. To earn his knighthood, the king has tasked him with retrieving Boxel’s Grace, a legendary plant at the edge of the world and the only hope of reviving Prince Adrien from a magical poison.

When grieving hearts collide with the ghosts of their past, can they survive to save the future of their world, or will they shatter like ice?

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults, and contains frequent implied sex, strong language, and intense violence.

All is not what it seems when Juniper Thimble’s past comes to light.

Despite the king pardoning her life of crime for saving Prince Adrian once again, he can’t pardon her for being a mage—a known one, at that. Now forced to go to the Marca to learn how to use ‘safe’ magic, Juniper must navigate life there while the futures of her newly knighted friends are used against her to ensure her good behavior.

Though Juniper has never liked the Marca, as she descends into the misery of schoolwork, chores, and bullies, she discovers a dangerous secret lurking in the dark corners of the school. But under the ever-watchful eye of the knights with their deadly Mage’s Bane, Juniper can do nothing about it.

When Nexon emerges with an army of mages and mindless thralls to kill her, Juniper and her friends are forced to flee into the Undercity. Wounded and desperate, unlikely forces must band together to survive this threat. But will they be able to survive together as they gather the strength to defeat Nexon?

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults, and contains brief sex,  graphic violence, and moderate language.

Juniper Thimble knows who she is and what her place in her world is…or, at least, she used to.

As a thief, everything made sense. But when her identity as the last heir to the late King Balendin is used as leverage in an alliance, she isn’t sure who she is or who she wants to be.

The palace treats her as the long-missing Princess Isolde, something delicate to be kept under lock and key…even if she is prophesied to defeat the evil archmage Nexon. But Juniper does what she has always done: she takes her fate into her own hands. Escaping the watchful eyes of her royal guards, Juniper makes her way to the forbidden Blackwood Wylds to find the only living person who can tell her how Nexon was defeated the first time—the Archmage of Air.

In the Wylds, Juniper finds more than she bargained for when she stumbles upon and a lone village of druids, surrounded by the poisonous curse of the Wylds. The longer Juniper is in the village, the more she suspects the druids are hiding what they know about the missing archmage. But with the druids’ fear of magic and shadow beasts prowling the Wylds, Juniper must watch every step.

This title has been rated 17+, appropriate for older teens and adults, and contains brief intense sex,  graphic violence, and moderate language.

Juniper leads the druids into her former home, the now abandoned Rusdasin to battle against Nexon and his armies of mages. As Juniper struggles with who she is supposed to be and is haunted by ghosts of a home she never knew, secrets lie deep in the battle-worn and forgotten Castle Balendine.

Ison has infiltrated Nexon's forces, but he must tread carefully. If he succeeds, he just might turn the ride of battle. If not, the beasts he once helped create will surely rip him into pieces.

Prince Adrian has watched his home burn, his friends separate, his enemies rise. Not a warrior like his father or his friends, Adrian must navigate and bolster the force of criminals, mages, and knights in order to retake his castle and be the prince his people need.

Reid has fought against magic his entire life, but a sudden influx of power leaves him confused and uncertain. Grappling with this new power, Reid must rely on an unlikely ally in order to overcome the odds.

Friends reunite and enemies collide in one final battle that will determine the future of the realm.